Besides making that sweet- summertime- refreshing glass of lemonade, did you know there are 325,765 other reasons to use lemons?

Well, not quite 325,765, but let me share the TOP 10 reasons to use lemons, DAILY!

 You are probably thinking about how acidic and sour lemons are, so what could you possibly do with them, daily?  You’d be surprised to know that although acidic to taste, lemons are alkaline forming in the body.  This means they are good on all sorts of levels and do many things for us.

To get started, the very best way to gain all of the benefits and nutrients lemons offer is to drink a big ole’ glass of LEMON WATER first thing upon waking.  

Do this on an empty stomach and wait about 20-25 minutes before having your breakfast (and be sure to drink it through a straw).  Starting your day with this will load you up on all this juicy goodness….

1. Great source of Vitamin C, Calcium, Potassium — when you start to feel a cold coming on, be sure to juice up!

2. Blood purifier, lemons are natural cleansers

3. Great for immune system deficiencies 

4. Full of antioxidants, which keep us healthy

5. Helps aid liver function

6. Acts as an electrolyte, replenishing body salts

7. Balances pH levels

8. Flushes out toxins

9. Clears skin



Citrus Flavonols are known to support hydrochloric acid in stomach breaking down food and acts as a digestive tonic.  Hence, gets your digestive juices moving!  

Lemons also contain what is called Pectin.  This type of fiber helps with colon health and also acts as a regulator and protects the lining of the GI tract.

According to a report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, viscous fibers reduce the glycemic response of foods by delaying gastric emptying which then delays absorption of glucose by the body. Basically, controls blood sugar levels and promotes healthy digestion.

All in All….lemons rock!

So, are you up for a challenge?  

For the next 10 days (10 mornings, rather), start your day with lemon water.  Log how you feel day one, then on day ten, compare your notes.  You’ll definitely be surprised with how “balanced” you’ll feel!


Kelli Michele


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