Plus, how these simple tips can benefit your health!

Whether or not you deal with gut issues and digestive imbalances, gut health is extremely important to our overall well-being.  Did you know that 80% of our immune system is located in our guts? This very fact makes it so critical to keep in check and to achieve overall optimal health.  

That is why I am so passionate about gut health and love teaching people new tips and tricks!

Fact #1:

Did you know our guts are a “second brain?!”  Familiar with the term gut instinct?!

Our second brain (Enteric Nervous System) acts independently from the brain in our head, where stress, anxiousness, that jittery feeling (like butterflies in your stomach) all come from.  When we experience these feelings, they then send the signals to our brain.  

If you tend to be a bit more anxious or easily stressed, try deep breathing and focusing on the breath reaching your stomach.  You will immediately feel calm!

Fact #2:

Did you know the order of digestion is that carbs empty first, proteins, fibers, then fats?! 

In theory, it makes sense to eat fruit by itself and not with a meal since the “sugars” digest at a faster speed than a full meal does.  If you just ate a meal, say with steak, potatoes, veggies and then had dessert….think about how long it takes for the steak to completely digest where the dessert is the caboose in the digestive train!  

Try to switch it up this week eating fruit alone, or totally ditch the sugary desserts (eeeek, can you do that?!).  I know you will start to see a change!

Fact #3

Did you know a strong gut lining = a strong immune system?!

Since our stomachs are the Big-Bad-Machines of our body, they are constantly working to fight the bad guys and to make sure our bacteria is balanced… which would equate to a “Happy Belly!”  

With that said, there are certain things we can add to our diet to help strengthen the lining, as well as our gut flora (microbes) to help make our guts bulletproof such as:

L-Glutamine supplement (takes time to strengthen)
Quality Fish Oil
Probiotics (supplement and/or probiotic-rich foods)

Orange Peel

If you have any questions on how to get your gut bulletproof (!), adding probiotic-rich foods, or where to find high-quality supplements, I’m happy to help!  I love hearing from you so don’t be shy!

Cheers to a happy belly!