7 Truths Every Woman Should Remember!

Studies show that in order to remember something, you need to hear it at least 3 times…..

I encourage you to find 3 out of the 7 truths below and put them on repeat 🙂

First, let me ask…….was the start of your day a little hectic? Do you feel overwhelmed with your to-do list PLUS the 800 other things you need fit in as well? Are you feeling worn out …..and maybe neglected you, your body/nutrition, or finding “me” time in the interim?
We are in the middle of June which means our schedules get a little busier given that it’s sweet summertime! Now that it’s starting to warm up, have you noticed that more activities are happening and people are doing things…a lot of things. You may even be feeling the pressure of trying to say no to things!
So in order to keep yourself from the feelings of overwhelm and the stress of daily hectic schedules…. remember these 7 truths of who you are at the core!
1. You have more strength than you realize.
Don’t give up! Whatever it is you are doing—career-focused, stay at home mom, wife, girlfriend, daughter….you can do it! Remember, there is nothing TOO hard….we are the ones that complicate things by thinking we can’t do it!

2. You are talented in your own way.
You are unique and have been given something different than anyone else, even your best friend, your mom, your sister…..
Talent goes way beyond “skill”…..What is it you love to do? What are you really good at? What are you not so good at that you’d like to do better?

3. You are making a difference.
Plain and simple..we (women) are sensitive! How often do you feel like you didn’t do something quite right or how am I supposed to do THAT with THIS and more?! But remember, that you are making a difference and you are needed exactly where you are.

4. You are amazing.
Wake every morning and BELIEVE in yourself…in what you’re called to do and do it well. Really show up in everything. Spread light and joy around and you never know who else you can make feel amazing when they need it the most.

5. You haven’t failed.
Sometimes we just need to hear that. Life is hard and at times, life can seem to just pile up ON us. Pressures from here and there all angles at one time but remember, you rise above! Give yourself acknowledgement often.

6. You are making an impression.
Even at times you feel like no one sees all the work you do….they are. We all get going on that hamster wheel and it’s easy to forget to stop and thank someone. You are cherished! Your work does not go unnoticed.

7. You must make time for your health no matter what.
This means overall health from what you choose to eat to exercise, from sleep to controlling stress….. even to your brain health.
Without your health being on track, you can’t take care of anyone else. So start small….find at least 5 – 10 minutes to take a walk outside. Especially in the summer, a little Vitamin D goes a long way.

Now, let’s go rock TODAY!