Are you eating more than you think?

Portion and volume control: 101

It is so easy these days to grab something on the go, to skip a meal here or there, then as soon as we know it, we just ate everything under the kitchen sink!

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
There are several factors that easily steer us off course including our personal environment, lack of planning ahead, and not being present with the food we are eating.  What this really means is that we have stopped paying attention to nourishing our bodies, but rather, have become so used to eating on the go.

Sometimes on the busiest of days, we find ourselves reaching for liquid nourishments, also known as soda pop or venti coffees instead of a bountiful meal.  We often find how easy it is to eat until we are full in one sitting, or to munch as a passive behavior not even recognizing we just ate the whole bag! Ya with me?

I have learned that once you enjoy and savor every bite of what you are eating, there is a total mind-body connection going on.  Not only does this send the signals to you brain that you are satisfied, but also aids in digesting your meals.

Often our environment can influence our eating styles.  If you notice when you are out to eat with other people, you tend to eat a bit more than if you were eating alone.

Volume/Portion Control.
Mindfully measure your servings.  By recognizing how much your body needs to consume at each meal, you will start to gage when your body is satisfied, not full.  If you do this at every meal, you eventually will never be tempted to overeat.

Don’t eat directly out of a jar, bag, or package.  Instead, portion some out onto a plate or bowl and guaranteed, you will only eat that amount.

Be prepared.
If you always have a snack / protein bar on hand, you will notice this helps you in an “emergency starving” situation!  These are handy for in between meals that way you don’t overeat at your next sitting.

Try these new tips this upcoming week.  If you are traveling, try your best to stay on track by being prepared and watching portion sizes when eating out.

You got this!