A little Bitter is Better

So, what is your ultimate craving?  Do you prefer foods more on the sweet or salty side? Or, how about a mixture of the two like adding sea salt to a sweet dessert? Mmmmm!  

Now what happens when you eat something bitter?  Well, besides scrunching up your nose and shaking your head!

Did you know adding bitters to your diet does some AMAZING things?

Before we get to those amazing benefits, you’re probably wondering what exactly are these bitters and how do you add them to your plate…..

When is the last time you thought about your taste buds?
Here’s a recap—Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and and and umami (savory)….where then each taste bud has a taste receptor

Bitters also go by the name “Digestive Bitters” because they are like that extra layer cheese topping that supreme pizza! 

The bitter taste receptors are directly linked with your digestive organs/ your digestive system. Which means they….


When you consume bitters, you’ll find it

  • helps to control your appetite
  • maintains pH levels
  • relieves symptoms like heartburn and bloating
  • helps to reduce sugar cravings
  • calms an upset stomach

Overall, creating a balance

Traditionally, some bitter flavors you’re used to consuming vary from coffee, herbs, dark chocolate, and some greens (think dandelion & arugula).  When we look at digestive bitters, some of the best range from orange peel, dandelion, cumin, artichoke, chamomile, kale, peppermint, and beet leaf.

They help with detoxifying and also act like digestive enzymes. 

When you look at the process of digestion, it pretty much starts when you smell food!  Our salivary glands begin to secrete the saliva hormone (you know that mouth-watering feeling!) which is what starts the digestive juices.  So when you have digestive bitters as part of your diet, it’s great to get in the habit of consuming about 15-20 minutes prior to eating your meal.  These bitters have the same effect in triggering digestive juices in preparing for the food you’re about to eat….it helps your digestion immensely.

If you’re curious and looking to add bitters to your diet, you might consider using a spray.  I was in the health store and came across Urban Moonshine .  I bought a trial size as I was skeptical of how would I like this!  Ha!  But, I loved it.

They have a few flavors like maple and citrus so it really wasn’t bad and I actually got used to the taste.

See, our bodies are amazing and can surprise us when we give it what it needs!

Give it a shot, let me know if you see any improvement 🙂

Kelli Michele

There’s a new helper at Kelli Michele Headquarters. 
This little one was rescued last Thursday so is certainly enjoying his new digs…and of course, posing for the camera is his natural talent.
Currently, he goes by Kit Kat or Nona (No-name) 🙂