Convenient Ways to Be Healthy for the Busy Person

Most of the time it seems we eat on the run, eat while working, or even eat while talking!  The truth is we are all busy bees.    

Busyness gets in the way of our health.

We tend to grab things to eat on the go, not get enough sleep, or sometimes forget what it feels like to totally nourish our bodies.
The internet these days really affords us great tools to help us be healthy….. even when we are super busy and feel like we are up to our ears in alligators!
Below, you will find several ways to insert healthiness into our ever-so-hectic schedules:
1. Instacart.  Have you heard of this yet?  It’s genius.  You order your groceries online and they will be delivered to your door within an hour.  Talk about convenient! They are pretty new so I’m not sure what territory they cover, but all you do is enter your zip code and it will tell you the stores they have partnered with.
2.  Exercise videos or channel streaming There are a ton of workouts we can do just by pushing play on our laptops.  Even on the days you can’t make it to the gym, you can subscribe to channel like “The Daily Burn” through your SmartTV or Roku channel.
3. Auto Orders Some of the supplement and product-based companies offer an “Auto Order” option that will automatically ship to your house which saves you time.

Here are some other great tips to keep you healthy:

  • Buy in bulk and divide in portions
  • Plan meals ahead-make a list for each meal
  • Grow your own herbs
  • Buy a yoga mat & a jump rope-easy home workouts
  • Set out gym gear (shoes, clothes, iPod)
  • Dish up breakfast  the night before so all you have to do is heat it up
  • Place  8 oz. cup of water by your bed & drink first thing upon waking

Do you know of any great tools that have helped you on-the go?  Please share…I’d love to hear 🙂
Make it a great week!