Hello lovely!

I hope you ended up having a very restful, relaxing, & rejuvenating weekend.  If you happen to be saying it was quite the opposite and you “need another weekend,” pull out your calendar right now and schedule at least 15 minutes of “ME TIME!”  During these 15 minutes, do something YOU LOVE that lights you up!  It’s amazing how this will change things FOR YOU 🙂

to today’s note…..we’re talking about how you can eat whatever you want!

Yes, yes, yes–this is true.  With my background being in health, of course I am going to say how important what you eat + exercise is key….BUT today I am putting another spin on this.

So often when talking with clients or meeting new people, the “go to” place is always diet related.  Meaning, the first thought of what is going to fix me is a new diet or exercise routine.  We’ve been engrained to easily follow new trends that we think ‘That’s it, that’s what I need’….then, my problem will be solved.

BUT, today, I am sharing the truth with you that the secret is in your mind and nurturing that self-love muscle.

Without a deep love, acceptance, and mindfulness with ourselves, we’ll always run this race in circles.

When you have developed self-love that connects to who you are at the core and to what you know is true for you, that’s when you start to see the beautiful changes….within first.

It’s a journey.  It’s a total mindset shift.  It’s messy, discouraging, and hard at times.  BUT on the other side of the inner work— you get to BE FREE!  Be free from the struggle and constant view of defeat.  Once you reach this place, you really can eat whatever you want because you no longer connect to food as negative or the enemy so to speak!  You get to the place where you’re free to eat whatever you want because you know what you need, you’re nourishing your body, and able to squash emotional eating and the emotional connection we so often feel like we need to run to. How great would it be to look at chocolate cake and not fear gaining 10 pounds or telling yourself you’ll have to run 3 miles for slipping that extra bite?!  

So start TODAY by stepping into more self-love.  HOW?

Well, first by pausing and asking yourself if this is what my body needs and is it going to nourish me?  Next, ask yourself how hungry are you?  Can you eat a smaller portion first then decide if you need a second helping.  As simple as these steps seem, they are important to getting you to self-love because you’re being mindful to knowing what YOU need vs. what YOU want.  Don’t let yourself go to any negative thoughts or feelings of guilt, instead, serve with love. This is just the beginning towards self-love as you begin to support your body through your mind and connect with your soul.  

Self-love in this context is not a prideful or selfish avenue…it truly is connecting to YOU and leaving the influences outside.  It’s relying on strength that’s not your own, but through God’s principles of how we need to nourish ourselves.  Through a healthy mind, body, & soul.

1 Cor 10:13, So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

If you need some encouragement on how to discover this truth for you, simply reply to this email and let’s schedule a 15-minute chat!

This past Friday, I had the most inspiring day that reminded me of always seeking opportunities where we can serve from the heart.  I’ve been involved with the non-profit, StepUp Women’s Network for four years and this was my 4th year attending their Inspirational Awards.  StepUp mentors teens and provides pathways to college.  I share this as encouragement to get involved in something that has a greater purpose as it’s truly impactful when people come together!  Click here if you’d like to read more about StepUp 🙂 












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