Did You Know You Have A Third Kidney?

We already have two kidneys that are miracle workers for our bodies, so why do we need a third one?

Your SKIN!

Your skin is a vital part of the cleansing, elimination, and detoxification process and is often referred to as a third kidney…  

Our skin “inhales” & “exhales” chemicals & toxins that are absorbed/enter into the bloodstream, which is the very reason healthy skin is a blueprint to what’s going on internally.  When your digestion is off, or the toxins are not being eliminated properly, your skin jumps in, often showing signs or in the form of a rash or skin problem.  

Skin is part of the biggest detox organ alongside of acting like a barrier and protector, also supporting the immune system.  What we expose our skin to and even to the moisturizers we put on our faces deserve attention.  Did you know that two of the best natural oils to use as a moisturizer is coconut and olive oil!?  Straight from the jar.

Eating lots of vegetables and fueling your body from the inside-out, will give your skin that “natural glow” or “fresh” look.  We tend to eat more juicy fruits and veggies during the warm, summer months where you always hear about how our skin glows.

Good skin = Healthy digestion.

Drinking LOTS of water and staying hydrated does wonders for your skin as it helps to flush out toxins.

Sweat is your friend.  Infrared saunas are a great way to eliminate your body of excess toxins as it also purifies your skin and enhances your circulatory system.

Exfoliating and “skin brushing” are also great ways to improve your immune system and rid those pesky toxins.

We talked a lot about toxins where we now see the important role our skin plays in prevention and keeping us healthy.  

So, did you know your skin has all of these amazing jobs in keeping us healthy??