Discover THIS hidden secret to getting the best sleep of your life

At times, we all wrestle with getting a good, full 8 hours of sleep, wouldn’t you agree?

Sometimes we think we have too much on our minds or sometimes we blame that 2pm cup o’ java…..

But, I have good news……

It may not be either of those!

You don’t have to count sheep or give up that afternoon sip….

Today’s newsletter highlights this very secret, written by Hannah from Lead with Valor!  Be sure to read to the very end as a special offer awaits…..  

I’m just curious, if you had to pick four things that you would consider to be your pillars of health, what would they be?  

Diet?  Exercise?  Maybe Stress Management?

But what about Sleep?  Would you consider sleep to be a crucial factor in your health today?  I believe it is vital to our overall wellness, and I have some tips on getting a better night’s sleep that I’d love to share with you!

Did you know that your body uses the time you’re asleep to heal and repair itself?  Your brain is preparing for tasks ahead and needs the down time to reset and heal!  Studies have shown that your mind is more alert and able to retain information after a good night’s rest!

But why is falling asleep so difficult at times?  Perhaps it is related to one of the other pillars – your diet is off, or you are not exercising regularly, or maybe your stress is so high that it is hard for your body to relax!

I often have a lot of things on my mind that can hinder my body from being able to relax, and I recently decided to try some natural supplements to improve my sleep.  I think I could write a book on the importance of sleep, but I don’t want this article to be the reason you are dozing off!

Did you know that lavender has been clinically shown to improve sleep?  Studies worldwide have shown significant improvements when patients inhaled lavender (even when those patients were dealing with cancer, coronary disease, or other ailments!)  **It is important to note here that there is a wide variety of quality in the essential oils on the market today; caution must be used to avoid the synthetic and adulterated oils.**  

After months of testing different options, including lavender, magnesium, and other supplements, here are a few that worked best for me.

Because a magnesium deficiency can hinder sleep, some have chosen to take the magnesium supplement Natural Calm; however, my experience with taking Natural Calm was increased restlessness at night, so I choose to take this in the morning instead!   (A bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil at bedtime, however, is quite relaxing and has detox benefits too!!)

One supplement that has greatly improved my rest is SleepEssence. I take this at night about 30-60 minutes before bedtime.  It contains lavender, vetiver, valerian, and Ruta graveolens essential oils . . . all of which aid in sleep on their own, so the combination is wonderful!

When my husband and I started diffusing lavender at bedtime, we were pleasantly surprised how our quality of sleep improved as we didn’t realize what we were missing!   

Do you love the scent of old cedar chests?  If so, you may enjoy diffusing cedarwood oil in your room at night; I’m not as big of a fan of that scent, so I choose to apply cedarwood oil topically to the bottom of my feet.  That way I still get the sleep-supporting benefits but don’t have to smell it as much! 

Then I rub on a lavender lotion to moisturize my skin and help me relax (and put some on my kids too!) 

I find when I use the cedarwood oil, lavender lotion, and SleepEssence together, I get a wonderful, deep sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for my day!  

I get my supplements and pure essential oils here.  The sets of oils are actually on sale this month, so this is an awesome opportunity if you are ready to improve your life in many areas of wellness!  

Lavender essential oil is included with ten other oils in the sale, so I would love to amplify your sleep with a bottle of Cedarwood oil absolutely free after you get your kit this month!  The sale ends February 29, 2016, so be sure to take advantage of the sale before it ends.  Use the link above to order, and then email me to request your free Cedarwood Oil at [email protected]

This is a special offer only for U.S. residents who are Kelli Michele Wellness subscribers.  Enjoy!  

We’d love to hear from you!  Leave a comment and let us know what you are going to use to improve your sleep!!