Hello lovely!

Today, I want to share a topic that is important for all of us to remember why we need to do a clean sweep through our schedules and look at how do we truly live each and everyday.  The topic…..

Overwhelm…. usually stems from what happens when we have taken up too much on our plate.

You’ve heard the saying that, “It’s OKAY to say NO to things” ….but is that easy?


We feel compelled to do and help out as much as we can or we feel like we should be doing this and then something else comes along that needs to be done….all at the same time.  Everything needs to be done NOW!

Sounds familiar?!

Not only does overwhelm lead to frustration, but it adds anxiety, stress, and can really get in the way of our health.  From these emotions, now you are purely exhausted and even more frustrated because you have so much to do! That you don’t feel like doing!

It’s time to evaluate what all is on your plate.  Pull out your calendar and look at events you have scheduled or take a good look at your TO-DO list.

T I M E is most precious.  So the first thing you need to look at when you are IN OVERWHELM, is where are you spending your time?

TIME is a gift that we have and we need to be sure that everyday we live in tune with what we have been blessed with.

Are you making memories everyday?  Are you able to appreciate the laughter when your kids are playing in the yard?  Are you taking a few minutes a day to “soul search” and be the best you?

When we have too much on our plates and are in a constant state of overwhelm, it’s easy to lose sight of what it means to slow down and be present in the moments each day holds.

So, what can you simplify?  This is the second step to evaluate to alleviate overwhelm.  When you simplify things, you start by identifying if everything you’re doing is directly inline with your values and priorities.  If you put family on your high priority list but your schedule gets in the way of spending quality time with them, what can you simplify to free up more time?

Lastly, start to create boundaries.  Without healthy boundaries, you’re going to stay in the constant mode of energizer bunny or as if you just can’t get off that hamster wheel!  Taking a lead on how your use your time, what dictates your time, and where you are giving your time will dramatically improve your quality of life.  

Psalm 90:12King James Version (KJV)

12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
