Hey there girl!

If the title of this message caught your eye, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

We ALL go through times in life when we’re just feeling flat, exhausted from trying, numb from putting our heart in people, things, or hopes that ended up leaving us feeling less than. What ends up happening is that our hearts become numb, and a bit hard because, as a protective mechanism, we don’t want to get hurt again, right?!

So in this blog post (it’s actually a series that was developed for a group of women, so make sure you click on the links below to gain access to each lesson!)…

………but you’re going to learn HOW to open, soften, and live from your heart, God’s WAY.

FREE GIFT for you! CLICK HERE to take a “Negative Self-View Assessment” and also learn the 4 Techniques to Tame Emotional Pain!

I wanted to touch on this topic because 99% of us have this sort of dialogue going on in our heads –> on a daily basis –> and only WE hear it…… yet, what is the solution?

Positive thinking?

Just TRY again?

Continue to tell yourself that you might as well just GIVE UP, it ain’t evah gonna happen?!?

What tends to happen is we slowly start to SHUT OFF OUR HEART because of pain, loss, disappointment, feeling unworthy, etc.  We feel numb and kinda FLAT.  We do this to protect ourselves from FEELING these emotions again.

Before you know it, other areas in your life start to feel ‘lifeless’ or ‘stiff’, and then the common cycle is that you feel like there is an elephant sitting on your chest!  Your health isn’t a priority, you question what good is having faith, and you can’t see things clearly.  

Here’s ONE STEP towards the solution…

  1. Take the Negative Self-view Assessment (HERE!) so you can get a good idea of how many negative thoughts sneak in each day!


Grab a journal, a coffee, and find your favorite resting spot and read the following lessons from this series! You’ll be inspired and heart-filled!!

  • Do you feel like you’re always searching? Click HERE to read how to FIND it once & for all…
  • Don’t mistake GUARDING your heart with HARDENING your heart. Read THIS
  • A guide for self-worth AT ANY AGE! Check out what this looks like…
  • Find out the missing piece to Unconditional LOVE! Read it here

And girlfriend, if anyone you know might enjoy reading this as well, feel free to share this link with them!!