Our gut tell us everything that is going on in our body!  In fact, it acts sort of like the gatekeeper to our overall well-being.  When our tummy hurts, we flat out just dont feel good!

Our GI (gastrointestinal) tract acts as a barrier to potential harmful microorganisms that are trying to sneak into our bloodstream when we eat or drink something.    When our GI tracts are healthy, about 97% of the food we eat is easily digested and absorbed. When our GI tracts are a bit off, oh boy, we can certainly tell.

What causes our food absorption to be off?  Well, there are a variety of things that can take the steering wheel and lead us towards “Absorptive Dysfunction.”  Inflammation, inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcers, diarrhea, diverticulosis, food intolerances, and food allergies to name a few.   The most common is food intolerances which includes lactose intolerance, gluten and yeast sensitivity,  and even fructose (sugar) sensitivity.

So, here are some simple changes you can start doing today:

1. Drink, Drink, Drink–Hydration is so important.  Many of us do not get enough water where we should focus to get at least half of our body weight in ounces each day.  Drinking water helps to remove those pesky little toxins that build up in our body that can eventually lead to additional sensitivities.

2. Eat more fiber.  The majority of us do not eat the same foods day in and day out where it is hard to determine if we are taking in the recommended fiber amount.  

3. Eat more whole foods, skip the sugary snacks and sugary drinks.  Switching these three little things around in your diet will bring forth several positive changes, immediately!  Plain and simple, sugar is the devil and can wreck havoc in our digestion!  More on this later…

4. Take probiotics.  Probiotics help to get the good bacteria back in our guts and will balance our the bad bacteria.  Some people dont notice a difference right away, so make sure you commit to at least 30 consecutive days in taking the supplement.  I know I gave up in the beginning, but decided to be consistent with it and what a difference!   

For more tips on gut sensitivities, check out my 10 Tips to Healing Your Gut Guide! Through many years of my personal struggle with gut sensitivities, I created a guide with the exact successful tips that I followed and now want to help others find their healing.

