Hi lovely!

I hope that February is off to a great start for you so far!  

Today, I wanted to write about something that’s been on my heart lately, which happens to be a really simple concept, but I feel is often overlooked/underestimated.

It’s the simple phrase, “How are you?”

There are two important factors that have to do with this phrase….

1. Do you always ask others how are THEY doing?
2. Do you truthfully answer how YOU are doing?

When it comes to building lasting and meaningful relationships, we have to remember that they are built upon healthy discussion and dialogue.  Whether this is a mate, co-worker, son/daughter, parent, or friend….we have to tune into our communication cycle.  Are you always giving to someone who is always taking (or vice versa) or is there a healthy balance where communication is strong and on a healthy level?

Say you’ve reached out to a friend that you haven’t spoken with in a while and what is the first thing you ask them?  “How are you?”  Then, you get a response.  But how do you feel if this conversation is just one sided and they don’t ask how you are doing?  Do you skip to the thoughts that they are selfish and not interested? More than likely, it’s not intentional that they don’t ask…they just may not have realize it.  

To my second point, when someone asks how you are….take a quick check to notice what response you usually say.  I’m guessing that it’s either, “I’m good,” or “I’m fine.”  Right?!  Likely sugar coating what is REALLY happening or how you REALLY are feeling.

We often feel that if we truly shared how we were feeling that we’re coming across either complaining or bragging.  But, the truth is there is power in expression and you’ll be surprised at how well the conversation goes (or where it will lead to) when you are open and honest.

The reason this has been on my heart lately is through the recent passing of my stepmom, I’ve identified that it’s perfectly fine for me to say that [I’m not okay] or [Hanging in there] and I’ve also recognized how meaningful it is when someone asked me how I was doing.  To me, they aren’t just words!  

I want to encourage you today that in order to have healthy relationships, it takes words and the power of caring!   

Even if someone doesn’t ask how you are, still show them love and grace and chances are, they will soon realize it and you’ll get that text “Oh, I forgot to see how you were!”  

Sometimes people need an ear and God has a special way of connecting people at the right time and place.  So never miss the opportunity to SPEAK life into someone!  Be an encourager and a source of joy.  


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