How to find your “normal” when dealing with digestive issues

Discover how to gain awareness and be in-tune with food choices
Have you ever thought about how, what, and when you eat makes a huge difference in your overall digestive health?

In fact, it’s the grand trifecta!

Our positioning while eating, unknowingly, can be the greatest impact in how our food is digested.

If you skipped breakfast (when), then rushed your lunch without chewing (how) and gobble down your chicken sandwich (what), you are leaving more work for your body to do in order to finish off the digestion process….thus, a Not-So-Happy Belly awakes!

The more I learn about our digestion, the more I realize how beautifully it is designed. It all goes in order and every part is dependent upon the other to make it a seamless process.

So when we find we don’t feel well, we realize somewhere along the lines one part didn’t communicate with the other. However, we can help this happen less often.

How we feel about food and how we feel when we eat will impact how it’s properly digested.


Download here and learn how to define your new normal.

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