I ate “bird food” and why you should too!


 Ok, I didn’t really eat bird food, but I did eat one of the main ingredients in bird seed …… 🙂

Let me introduce you to this wondrous whole-grain:


Looks like rice and even quinoa, doesn’t it??

This “bird food” is fiber-rich and high in protein.  There are 8 grams of protein & 3 grams of fiber in 1 cup (cooked)….that alone makes its a complete food source.

Millet is one of the easiest whole grains to digest and is known to be non-allergenic.

Plus, it’s very alkaline which means …..when digested, it’s not acidic …..which means good for your gut!  BONUS!

You may have actually had millet before without knowing—-  whaaaat?!  Have you ever had couscous? Cracked millet is used in couscous.

Can you believe this little grain contains all of these?

Niacin, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, Magnesium, & Thiamin 

Swap our your breakfast oatmeal, brown rice, or your potatoes

Before cooking, make sure you rinse.  If you’d like a nuttier flavor, roast before cooking.  You can make it fluffy like rice, mashed like potatoes, or creamy like oatmeal.

What do you think…will you try it?!
…..are you sticking to “Nah, it’s for the birds….”   🙂