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“It is what it is”


Is it really?

What are your thoughts when you hear the phrase, “It is what it is”??

Personally, I used to think that this phrase meant defeat.  Almost like, it’s a “fixed” situation, you’re stuck, there’s not way out….

There’s nothing I can do about it….

But the more I dissect it, there’s actually a deeper, hidden message that speaks life into the “dead end.” And that is,


Accepting that whatever “it” is by knowing it’s right where “it” needs to be.

Part of this realization takes courage to go against what our natural response is and learning to let go of the outcome.

Instead of viewing the scenario in a way that’s limiting and/or restricting, what can you focus on that will not only bring you hope but will also allow you to grow through this impossibility?

You see, as we go through life, day in-day out, we are constantly letting our thoughts lead that happens to always be connected to some sort of outcome in a given situation.  Soon, we find that we no longer feel or experience, because we are focused on the impossibility of the “fixed” situation ever changing.  Then enters the confusion and/or uncertainty.

So if we take a step back from the end result and let go of the outcome, we then shift into seeing the situation as what is really needed to get us where we are headed to, in the end after all.

Hebrews 11: 1 paints this picture so clearly… “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

We can’t see the end but we have to have the faith in action that we are always on the path that’s taking, building, and strengthening us for the ultimate outcome.

So next time you start to feel that you’re in a place of uncertainty, isolation, confusion, or hopeless, remember that although yes, it is what it is, by accepting this place as part of your path, is in fact, the confidence you need to keep going….keep heading towards the finish line.














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