les petites miseres

——in other words.…..the little miseries!

When we think about everything that we have going on in our lives, including the hardships, how many of these pain points would you say are “big” ticket items or “mini”?

Notice the word “mini” verses if I had used “small” to describe the offset of the bigger battles we are facing.

Reason being is that we tend to make mountains out of molehills! We muddy over things that worry us, cause us anxiety, lead to fear….and take up so much space before we even realize it.  More than half the time these little-baby-tiny-miniscule things are nothing at all!

If we aren’t careful, our focus can dwell on these little things to where they completely take over …..which leads to us wasting our time and energy worrying instead of seeking God to take care of it!

We think A LOT during the day–thoughts are constantly on autopilot so it’s important that we focus on His promises and not the problem.

What are those little things that take up space, energy, thoughts, that are causing you MORE pain?

Can you let go of these little things?

“Put your faith in God and you’ll be able to stand firm”– 2 Chronicles 20:20

