Are you a Pancake Lover?

Check out this recipe that will get you making pancakes everyday!

Historically, pancakes, waffles, crepes, and muffins make up a large percentage of a breakfast plate…. or even those times we feel like having breakfast for dinner!  

Most pancakes are made from flour, eggs, milk or come from Aunt Jemima box mix (!) then topped with butter and maple syrup.  Somewhere along the lines, we have realized these ingredients aren’t so much nutrient-packed and many people have sensitivities to the gluten and dairy.

Getting creative in the kitchen, below you will find a pancake recipe that is safe to eat everyday and tastes just like the good ol’ fashion pancakes we are used to eating.

The beauty is these pancakes are packed full of fiber and protein which make it perfectly OKAY to eat EVERYDAY! 

Bonus!  These are gluten, dairy, AND sugar free…..should I add GUILT FREE?!!


Here goes:


½ cup almond or coconut flour
½ cup oatmeal
2 tbsp. flax or chia gel*
½ cup almond or coconut milk
1tsp baking powder
1tsp cinnamon or cardamom
1tsp stevia or vanilla

Mix all together, spray your pan with coconut spray, and cook over medium.  Use coconut oil as butter replacement-you’ll be amazed at how delicious this combination is!

*How to make flax or chia gel: Take 2 tbsp. of either one and place in a bowl and fill seeds equal parts water (or 2 1/2 tbsp. water).  Let sit for 5-10 minutes and you will have a gel like consistency.

Optional add-ins:
If you prefer to have batter that is more “cake” like, you can substitute the flax/chia seed with 4 egg whites (or ½ cup).

To add a bit more flavor, add ½ banana, mashed to get that natural sweetness.

More protein?  Add one (1) scoop of protein powder

What’s for dinner?!