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sometimes people forget….

Hello lovely!

Today is a beautiful day to remember how beautiful you are!  As you start out your day, even if it seems like it’s going the opposite direction as you hoped or you feel like it’s challenging to find a smile today….. I want to share with you what

sometimes people forget…

  • That circumstances CAN CHANGE.
  • Things aren’t always as they seem.
  • Giants, Mountains, Heavy Weights CAN MOVE.

Giants, mountains, and heavy weights come in and consume us and what happens?  They take away our hope.  They take away our focus and our joy.  They come into our lives and end up leading verses us remembering that….

The seasons always know when to change!

Try to take baby steps with those thoughts of “It is what it is” because the truth is, “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

On the layer of our faith, you have to remember that God has already mapped out your entire life!  So if He’s chosen something, His hand is on it and He will see it through! 

Though the Giants, Mountains, Heavy Weights come….alongside comes discouragement, fears, worries, challenges…..once you REST in the fact that He holds your future, you’ll start to see these Giants, Mountains, Heavy Weights will start to give way.

Because, you let go and you let God lead!

Hope this encourages you today!












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