Above and beyond our bodies natural state of defense to say, an injury or infection, we may experience an overactive immune response or inflammation when our body is attempting to protect against something harmful.  aka, Chronic inflammation.

“Chronic inflammation lies at the root of virtually every disease process known to modern man-from weight gain, obesity, & heart disease to autoimmune disorders like lupus, MS, and rheumatoid arthritis.” Dr. Chris Lydon, Yale University 


Sugary stuff, processed foods, saturated fat, gluten…… OH MY!

It’s important to learn and identify that some food choices could in fact be causing or contributing to inflammation.     


Here are three things you should say NO to!

Inflammatory Foods:

Sugars, saturated fats, polyunsaturated oils (peanut, soy, corn), excess of Omega-6 fatty acids, MSG, manufactured foods, etc…simply put, wreck our guts. 

In effort to keep inflammation at bay, one of my favorite tricks is to start your morning FIRST THING with 8 oz. luke warm water with 1 whole squeezed lemon.  Drink on an empty stomach at least 20 minutes before you eat breakfast.  This helps to balance the pH level in your stomach.

Refined & Processed Foods:

Refined & Processed Foods basically strip the food from all of its nutrients!  Or, it’s made up of fake ingredients (food dyes, sugar alcohols, etc.) where it doesn’t do our bodies any good, except for empty calories and a big ole’ stomach ache!


Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store (fresh fruits, vegetables, frozen) and stay clear from the center that is full of packaged products.

Artificial Foods:

Yes, they are attractive by marketing “no added sugars” but…

No more artificial sweeteners, okay?! No No NO good for you!
This includes some brands of chewing gum, some “sugar-free” labels, food dyes (again!), etc.

Think, “Is this really food?” before purchasing.

The good news is you are in the driver’s seat and can turn the wheel the other direction.  You can totally control and reduce inflammation through proper nutrition.

Stick to consuming natural foods, limiting excess saturated fats, and eliminating sugar….you are well on your way. 

Kelli Michele