Trust the process….

I’m sure you’ve heard that a time or two, yea?!

Think of a time when you’ve followed a system or tried to stick to something….

…….Maybe it’s something you’re working really hard on right now, like….

  • A diet? Eating the same ol veggie dish everyday, calories IN/calories OUT (!)
  • Being on time and trying to build a better schedule to allow you enough time not to rush
  • Shooting to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night?
  • Trying to stick to a routine/commitment ______?  


So, what is it that keeps you going when you set out to conquer a new goal?

And, what is the hardest part of staying committed?

You know, for example, many times when people start diets, they often give up  early on because they don’t see any results right away.  They are doing everything right, but the scale isn’t budging.  Hmmmph!  Hello frustration!

Well, it takes at least 21 days to form a habit.  Your body may not lose weight immediately but if you keep doing what you’re doing and hold on to the end goal, you start to see change (almost overnight).

How about if you’re working hard on a relationship…maybe it’s communication with your significant other but “He still doesn’t listen!” “You’ve tried everything!”  What will keep you motivated to keep trying?

Trust the process.

BUT, let me ask……

Do you agree that since you’re following a system, it’s guaranteed to work?

Well, there’s one more piece to add in order for that to be relevant.

How deep is your faith during this process?  Not only do you need to add a little faith to the mix, but what are you really trusting?

God places people and tools in our lives to help us reach goals.  But, any goal you set out to conquer, FAITH cannot be the missing element.  If YOU don’t believe it’s possible, then all of your energy and efforts are mute.  

Let the size of our God determine the size of your faith.

I love that quote from Rick Warren.  

So, whatever journey you’re currently on, in order for this system/plan/process to work, YOU need to up your faith that God will keep you committed, keep you strong, keep you going, and get you to that finish line.

Hope this inspired you today!


Kelli Michele