Turn your exercise hurdles into passion

Picture this….. You have set your alarm for 5 am to get a workout in before you start your day ….. and what happens…… Yawn! Snooze! Yawn!

The most common exercise hurdles are:

  1. no energy
  2. it’s boring
  3. lack of time

The truth is….we all face these hurdles!  Even a dedicated gym goer will feel the same at some point when it comes to exercise.

Realize you’re not alone!

Everyone of us wishes there were 25 hours in a day or wish that we could fully function with only 4 hours of sleep.

You must shift your mindset into knowing if you miss a day, IT’S OKAY!  You have got to lift the pressure you place on yourself and not stress over it.

Besides, nutrition is 80% of the deal, so just make sure you focus on nourishing your body inside out.  Exercise is not “All of Nothing” approach….it’s give it what you got and go all in!

Ignite your passion….

Technology has made exercise so much easier these days.  There are so many techy tools out there that will keep you on your fitness path.  A few of these are simple (and free!) apps you can download to your phone or iPad.

Other ideas to help you stay accountable and give you fuel:

  • Start a treat calendar-track your progress and buy yourself a “treat” after every new goal is surpassed
  • Hang a goal picture in clear sight so this becomes your focal point
  • Set an appointment that will charge you if you don’t show up!
  • Take a friend-make it a date.  Then you are less likely to cancel and they hold you accountable
  • Join group classes–you’d be surprised how 1 hour will fly by

Let exercise be “fun” and something you look forward to.  Try something new that you havent thought of before.  Check out a new sport or go with seasonal activities.  

When it comes to low energy, set a timer and give it at least 20 minutes–guarantee you’ll perk right up and can finish the workout.  You’ll be so glad you did!

Rushed for time?  Try out some of these home activities that don’t even require you to leave the house:

  • Roll out yoga mat & start stretching 
  • Put in an exercise video
  • Use couch, tables, chairs

Get creative and you’ll find exercise is something you look forward to instead of as a chore.

Go lace up your sneaks and get movin!
