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Want to be Fit-For-Life?

You can accomplish this in just 3 ways …… and it’s not what you think!  No diet prescription, no exercise requirements….no, no, no ….!

Instead, we are going to focus on 3 key areas of our daily lives –

1.  FOCUS!

Focus on what you truly want to accomplish in life and create a plan with measureable and achievable goals.  When you are so laser focused on “something” in life, eventually “it” is set on autopilot and becomes part of your routine.

So, maybe you hate vegetables or anything green for that matter.  You can literally train your taste buds to begin to like (even crave!) those things you totally despise right now.  Try in small bits, but remember to stay FOCUSED and eventually, you’ll have reached your measurable goals in no time.


Yes, make it yours!  This life is YOURS to live, to dream, to explore, to soak up all of the beauty ….so enjoy what you love! Love to do it and keep after it.  This is where your unique soul comes into play.

Find a sport or activity that you enjoy and go after it!  It doesn’t have to be what everyone else is doing, (i.e., crossfit, yoga, spin class) but let it be what YOU enjoy and what motivates YOU.  You’ll notice excitement will build that keeps you committed without feeling the pressure.  So often, we look at exercise as a chore, or a burden of, “Well, where am I going to fit that into my schedule…” but, if you narrow in on what you have fun doing, you’ll find it just becomes part of your day.


This is the most critical step….loving yourself for what you set your goals on.  Why? Because this is what feeds your energy and focus on creating the life you choose.

It’s so easy to get caught up in common trends, or what everyone else is doing, eating, reading, etc., but when you embrace your deep down desires, you’ll feel this sense of release and fulfillment….because you are doing what you want to do and not worrying about pleasing anyone else.

When you focus on what your “Fit-For-Life” is specifically to you, you’ll find that you begin to look at life in a limitless way.  Imagine the life you want to live and begin taking steps towards it.  It’s an exhilarating feeling to know you are working towards your goals, and they just happen! Once you release yourself from the pressure, you’ll find the ease in life and automatically become Fit-For-Life!

Goal Sheet:

Quickly, take out a sheet of paper and grab a pen….ask yourself:

1. What do I love to do in my spare time?
2.  If I could do _____ activity everyday, it would be _____.
3.  If I could eat “this” everyday and never gain a pound (!), it would be …..
4.  What are two foods that you absolutely despise?

Now, check your list in one week.  See if you have been able to reach new goals and new limits.  Next, write down new answers to the four questions and follow through to the next week.  You WILL start to see changes!
