What Are You REALLY Eating for Breakfast?

Eggs, Fruit, Bagel, PopTart, Coffee, Pancakes??

Tell me which one sounds more like you:

  • Breakfast is your largest meal of the day?

  • Eat on the run? ….can’t even remember what you ate?!

  • Bagel in hand, running out the door?

  • Eat during traffic commute on way to work?
    OR …You wait until 10 am when those hunger pangs are making you “hangry”?!

No matter what you are eating for breakfast, what really matters is are you giving your body the nourishing nutrients that it needs?


Why is your breakfast choice important?

When we sleep, our bodies go through it’s natural “detox” and repair process.  If you think about how we don’t eat or drink for a good period of time while sleeping, we tend to wake up a bit dehydrated.  You should get in the habit of drinking at least two 8 oz. glasses of water first thing!  Then have some water with lemon to really help get you moving.

If you happen to drink coffee first thing on an empty stomach, this can cause dehydrating even further.  Coffee is very acidic, dehydrating and taxing on the liver. 

If you happen to eat a bowl of cereal or muffin, the sugar can cause your blood sugar levels to rise then you crash (even before you get to work!).  Most breakfast choices have copious amounts of sugar….which is the one thing you want to make sure is not in your breakfast!  Opt for natural sweeteners like stevia or fruits but watch for added and processed sugars. In my digestive programs, we get into the importance of Glycemic Index and keeping your blood sugar levels balanced which prevents spikes, overeating, and cravings. 

It’s imperative for good digestive health that we maintain a constant state of “cleansing” by the overall balance with the foods we eat.

The foods we eat are broken down into nutrients our bodies need!  Your breakfast choice is essential to brain function, energy level, and controlling cravings and prevent overeating.

For example:

Oats or some form of complex carb/whole grain HANDS DOWN are the best for breakfast choices.  This fiber-packed bowl is great for stabilizing blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full.  Hint Hint….last week’s Pancake recipe is an awesome choice 🙂

Green smoothie (80% veggie, 20% fruit) is a powerful way to start out.  Add some healthy fat like avocado or coconut oil to it as well.

Scoop of Peanut or Almond butter  (my dad does this every morning!)

Eggs are phenomenal. This is my go-to!

Grapefruit. Or, if you do any type of fruit, make sure to eat by itself.  Fruit doesn’t play well with other friends!

What works for me (and Joe, and Bob, and Sally) may not work for you!  So you have to find what your body is wanting for breakfast but the key is to make sure “it will do your body good,” literally. Keep that in mind with everything you eat….does it provide me nutrients that my body can use for energy?

Ok, send me your favorite breakfast dishes!  I love hearing from you 🙂