What Does AUGUST have to do with your health?

So, we have 3 letters left….
……at first I thought, “There’s another U…what awesome word could I possibly mix in there that starts with another U!”
Well, then it dawned on me and it fits perfectly…..
U Unique. Yes, you are Unique! Tuesday we talked about understanding our “bioindividuality” where today, because we are unique, we need to embrace that and see the beauty when it comes to our personal health. Tommy may be vegan and Sue may be vegetarian but you shouldn’t let that influence what you need to do for your optimal health. There is NO one size fits all, especially when it comes to your health. Write down one thing that makes you unique….what is your favorite food dish? Or what is the one thing you don’t compromise on with your health?
S Simple. Keep it simple. Our bodies always strive to find a place of homeostasis where sudden changes in diet or doing too many drastic things all at once can impact, even hinder results. If you’re trying a new plan, commit and be consistent with it and don’t be tempted to rush. Simple, small changes yield great results. What are you focused on changing at this very moment? Write that down.
T Trust the process: It’s SO easy to get discouraged and want to give up when we don’t see results. In fact, this is the number one reason people give up on things prematurely. The truth is you have to learn to LET GO and trust the process. Whatever your goal is you are reaching, you have to focus on staying committed to the work yet reaching for the stars. The stars resemble your end goal where you have to trust that you will get there….and you will.
So to recap, let’s make AUGUST stand out! By taking ACTION, and UNDERSTANDING the way your body moves, having GRATITUDE for all you are and for the journey you are on, remembering that you are UNIQUE and not a one size fits all, by keeping it SIMPLE and TRUSTING the process…….
I think you’re well on your way to getting WEALTHY! 🙂
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