What's stopping you ...



As mighty and deep as the ocean is, the many levels, the different ecosystems, the mysterious changing of colors, the unexplored areas, the great unknowns…..

…is there a mighty ocean in your life today?

Something that seems so big and complicated, confusing you as to which direction you’re being lead, somedays it’s clear while other days are a bit cloudy…..

Does this “ocean” feel like it’s getting in the way and stopping you from seeing the beauty that’s right in front of you?

Keeping you feeling stuck….feeling less confident in moving forward….

Just as the ocean is very diverse and is not the same everywhere, picture for a minute when the sunlight strikes through the top. What a beautiful glow this brings when it happens and now how much you can see.

Sometimes we don’t realize but the ocean and the trickling ocean waves in our lives are actually pretty tiny. We just need a little more sunlight to break through the top layer.

In comparison, when you look at your ocean and ask yourself, “Is it really that big?” “Why am I letting this hinder me?” “What is getting in the way?”

We are all curious of the unexplored areas and great unknowns….so what are those unknowns on the other side of your ocean? Well, these are often called those “What Ifs” that scare us more than anything! Right?

How many times a day do we let those what if thoughts enter that usually win, keeping us from taking a chance.

Matthew 8: 26 paints it perfectly, “O ye of little FAITH!”

Why are you so afraid? What are those what ifs that keep you stuck? What’s stopping you?

“Then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea: and there was a great calm.”

There’s calm to your current ocean by getting rooted in your faith. Step out! Don’t let your ocean stop you!