Where Are You Now?

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE this week! Why? Well, it’s officially summer (can I get a woot woot!) ….. and it’s almost time to enter into a new month. AND, we get to celebrate Independence Day!

What a perfect combination. Personally, I just love the start of a new month because to me, it’s a fresh start, or even sometimes a start-over. I love to think way outside the square and go after new things each month.

Measuring goals in 30-day increments really develops short bursts of deep strength. Overall, 80-90% of it is your mindset. You can do anything for a 30-day commitment. Like a structured diet plan, exercise routine, eating an apple a day to keep the doc away. Now, a 30-year commitment is another story πŸ™‚

So let’s take a quick snap shot at where you are NOW!

Where are you at in regards to ….

your happiness? reaching ahead, dreams, life goals? your health? eating choices? exercise? optimal health? healthy digestion? energy level?

Did you start out 2015 with goals/ideas that are still at the forefront or have they slipped away?

Are you where you want to BE?

Now, let’s take a look at where you WERE!

Looking back at this time last year, can you remember what was going on in your life? Were you focused on healthy eating, feeling good, disciplined and on track? Or, are you remembering a place you have come a long way from?
One thing you must focus on is AWARENESS. Being aware in all facets of your life is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

Be aware of how we feel, what we feel, when something is off, or when you want to change something. That’s why it is so important to do an internal comparison to a recent time. Not only does this give you clarity but it also ignites you to find or recall things.

And, you may find you will give yourself a pat on the back! How many of you through that little exercise are PROUD of where you are TODAY?

Similarly, eating patterns are easy to detect when we look at it from a seasonal point of view. We tend to eat lighter during the summer months… I recently heard research that pointed out women weigh an average 7 pounds LESS during the summer! Ahh, sorry men πŸ™‚ But, it’s true. There is often a “winter weight” and a “summer weight!”

So for example, when it comes to eating and being aware, are you examining your food choices (what), are you really hungry or just thirsty (why), and are you eating consistently, time of day (when)? Do you connect how something made you feel to knowing your body was sending you a signal of rejection?

Are you cooking with intention that the food you’re about to eat is what your body needs and will nourish you?

Do you exercise with commitment? Even a short walk or a quick lift session is only about 3-4% of your day!

I encourage you this week to focus on being aware! You might find you’re a lot further along than you think you are πŸ™‚

Have a wonderful week and Happy 4th of July!